What about traffic?
- The initial traffic study estimated 2,200 additional vehicle trips per day from 777 S Yarrow St!
- But that does not include trips generated from 777 S Wadsworth.
- There could be 2-3 times as much traffic as estimated when the second building is included in the estimate!
- 1,000 units with 10 stories (4.40 trips per unit per day x1000) 4,400 trips per day.
- 4,400 plus 2,200 = 6,600 additional vehicle trips per day!
- Plus possibly hundreds of Amazon and UPS deliveries per day.
- Possibly 6,000 additional trips per day when both buildings are included!
- Why doesn’t the Lakewood Planning Department require a combined traffic study or estimate so we have the numbers?
- Lakewood – Please require full disclosure of the combined traffic!
- And South Yarrow St is too narrow to paint a center stripe! Yikes!
- Why is the second building not included in the initial traffic planning?
- Does it make sense to plan for the increased traffic in a piecemeal fashion?
- How will Lakewood avoid the traffic planning errors Denver made?
- Denver traffic is much more dangerous than Seattle.
- Is Lakewood following the dangerous Denver model?
Kairoi documented in the December 6, 2023 meeting minutes that they have been under contract to purchase 777 S Wadsworth ever since they purchased 777 S Yarrow St back in 2021.
And they also disclosed that they could have proposed up to 1,200 units at 777 S Yarrow. Kairoi even explained Lakewood will allow them to build up to 12 stories.
With the 777 S Wadsworth project included, the total added traffic will easily be 2-3 times more vehicle trips per day than the initial traffic study estimate if they propose to construct 800-1200 units at 777 S Wadsworth!