These resources provide a partial overview of announced real estate, land or city government development activity plus related ownership maps, public meetings, key city contacts, and more in Lakewood, Colorado. 


Find Your Ward, City Council Members, Closest Parks, Utility Providers and More on one page

Planning Departmenthas been renamed to Sustainability and Community Development

Upcoming City of Lakewood Meetings


Lakewood Informernews on development, entrenched bureaucracy, and crime in Lakewood, Colorado

Lakewood Together the City of Lakewood’s community engagement portal


Current Lakewood Development Projects (scroll it to zoom in)

Jeffco Parcel Maps

Lakewood Atlas Map

Ward Map  – Find your Ward


City Council Members’ Contact Info  – Belmar Park is in Ward 3.

Free City of Lakewood Newsletter Subscriptions

Office of Economic Development

City Goals and Values Dashbooard