777 S Yarrow Street is the location of the proposed 800,000+ square foot apartment project which directly abuts Belmar Park.
There are 1,400 housing units within 500 feet of Belmar Park!
Why the secrecy?
The City of Lakewood only notified 45 of those 1,400 homes about the looming 800,000 square foot apartment complex proposed at 777 S Yarrow Street!
Who does this secrecy benefit? The secrecy benefits developers and city staff. Keeping things secret minimizes how many questions are brought forward by the public.
Developments adjacent to the park include the following:
- Two-story multifamily town home complexes on the east, west and north side of the park.
- Duplexes and single-family homes on the east and south of the park.
- Belmar Library on the east side of the park.
- Lakewood’s Public Safety Center on the north side of the park.
Even former Lakewood Mayor Adam Paul agrees that ‘large luxury apartments aren’t the best for the area’.
Unfortunately, during his many years as mayor, neither Mr. Paul nor City Council corrected the zoning that he openly agrees is not appropriate for the area.
Who benefits from their lack of action on this bad zoning over those many years? Do homeowners or developers benefit?