NOTE: As of February 13, 2024, no healthy trees have been removed. If the project is approved, over 60 large trees are to be destroyed at 777 S. Yarrow Street in Lakewood, CO which is within Belmar Park’s habitat zone but not within the park’s property boundaries.
A professional zoologist visited the site and observed:
If all of those large trees are taken out, replacing that habitat will probably never recover unless very careful, extremely long-term land stewardship occurs.“
Audubon representative and degreed ornithologist Polly Reetz agreed and stated other biologists could also have made the same statement!
It would require thousands of 3-inch replacement trees to compensate for the loss of their huge collective tree canopy habitat using the science-based replacement formula recommended by the Audubon Society to City Council.
Migratory birds use these trees.
A report issued in February 2024 found that 44% of all migratory species worldwide (not just birds) are in decline. Destroying these trees may contribute to that negative trend because the property is located within a major migratory flyway.
Our Change.Org petition asks for a buffer zone between the park and the construction area. Establishing such a zone could save several of these large trees.
5 acre site to be scraped off down to dirt!
The trees are within a major migratory flyway!
The trees provide habitat for many creatures!
They dwarf the 2-story Irongate office building!
Eagles are sometimes seen in these trees!
They extend Belmar Park's habitat!
They are too large to transplant.
Will they soon end up like this?
Most images clipped from google StreetView based on their November 2020 image captures.