Should voters expect better housing policy solutions?

An Unused Key to Housing Affordability

This video explains the issues with two stairwells in every building! Given the housing affordability crisis and in light of the successful standards from New York and Seattle and the wide use of point access block design in other developed countries, it is time for Colorado and Lakewood to move quickly and allow increased flexibility…

Who Pays $16,000/Month for a View of the Train Tracks?

One River North Neighborhood Here is an update on a Denver project that Kairoi Residential is also involved with – One River North. One River North is the unique and impressive new luxury multifamily rental building at 3930 Blake St, Denver, CO 80205 Please visit their website for images of the ‘biophilic’ design: Here’s…

Jeffco Rescinds Special Tax Deal

The proposed huge multifamily project within Belmar Park’s habitat zone has a street address of 777 S Yarrow Street, Lakewood, Colorado. previously exposed the special tax deal the owner of the property at that address has received from Jefferson County in past years.  Our home page presents the details of this special beneficial tax…

Affordable Housing Law Enables AirBNB Profiteering

Colorado has enacted a new housing law that prohibits limiting the number of people that can live in a residence.  The law took effect on July 1, 2024.  The justification was to reduce the cost of housing. Detractors cautioned that the law would simply allow landlords to increase density and as a result, increase the…

Lakewood’s 5,000 Unit Affordable Housing Surplus!

Lakewood’s February 2024 Strategic Housing Plan p.93 reports Lakewood has ‘a large surplus’ of over 9,000 rental units priced from $1,250 to $2,500 per month! We are not interpreting this to be a large surplus.  That description is a direct quote from Lakewood’s own professional housing study.  The analyst(s) even included a 20% rent adjustment…

Debunking the Supply and Demand Affordable Housing Myth

The market theory of supply and demand was popularized by Adam Smith in 1776.  It is still considered a reasonable way to partially explain economic behavior in many instances today. The Housing Myth However, the myth that needs to be debunked is the notion that if city councils in Colorado and the US do whatever…

The Totally 100% Fake Housing Shortage!

Citing research published in April 2024 from the University of Kansas based on 20 years of data: “Kirk McClure, professor of public affairs & administration emeritus at KU, and Alex Schwartz of The New School co-wrote a study published in the journal Housing Policy Debate. (Also see Fortune article.) They examined U.S. Census Bureau data…

Will Unstable Soil Spell Disaster for Belmar Park West?

777 S Yarrow Street in Lakewood, Colorado is the location of the proposed 800,000 square foot Belmar Park West multifamily project within the habitat zone of Lakewood’s amazing Belmar Park unprotected wildlife and bird sanctuary. The site contains unstable, expansive soil which is not an uncommon problem in Colorado.  But what is unusual is that…

Living in a Vehicle – Who Are These People?

As housing becomes increasingly unaffordable to more people, many are forced out of housing to live in vehicles.  Are these the rejects of society who spend their time using drugs or impaired by untreated mental health issues and as a result cannot find a job?  Definitely NOT.  Living in a vehicle requires a level of…

Denver Has over 9 Vacant Homes per Unhoused Resident!

Many people view the apparent ‘housing shortage’ in the Denver metro area as exemplified by the growing number of unhoused residents.  Some cite this increase as evidence of the so-called ‘housing shortage’.  But are there really not enough properties available for rent or purchase to house everybody?  Will building more and more primarily luxury housing…